Summer’s Animal Hospital has developed one of the area’s most comprehensive pain management and acupuncture plans. We carefully evaluate each patient prior to developing an individualized, thorough treatment plan, specific to your pet’s diagnoses. Once therapy begins, intermittent re-evaluation examinations must be performed to ensure recovery is progressing and new conditions are not being exacerbated.
Our experienced team is certified in a variety of modalities, individually tailoring a treatment program to each patient. We have successfully treated dogs and cats with issues ranging from preventing orthopedic surgery and post-surgery recovery, to managing chronic pain or weakness. We offer a wide variety of programs and packages to fit any case.

Goals of Therapy Plan
- Minimize Pain
- Restore and Improve Quality of Life
- Increase Circulation to Accelerate Healing
- Increase Muscle Mass and Strength
- Improve Balance, Coordination, and Performance
- Improve Flexibility & Mobility
- Increase Functionality